Thursday, 7 January 2010

Time to start over ... again!

I've been renovating the kitchen, slowly, and was distracted by a headache and headcold. So with coffee in hand I browsed the net and followed some Quaker blogs. Some people are very gracious in sharing not only their own stories but also friendship and care. So I've re-started my humble blog and open to whatever happens.

At present I am in that in-between space of recovery from personal crisis and new horizons. Life in many ways is reasonably settled but unsettled, if you understand. I am forced to reconsider my inner journey, spirituality and life-directions.

I have befriended the Black Dog of depression who has been my companion for almost the last six years. Four months ago I stopped taking medication, under doctor's supervision and have survived till now with lots of up & downs, but nothing so bad as to require a return to the previous drug-induced flatness and death of spirit. I celebrate that victory ... but quietly.

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